The Secret

Have you ever heard of The Secret? Well, if you haven't please either 1. Watch it on Netlflix or 2. Read the book. At first, I thought it was bogus. It didn't make logical sense to me that if you just think of the things you want, you will get them. This includes both materialistic and non-materialistic things. After watching The Secret, I changed my thinking, and I watched my life change before my eyes. I know it's hard to believe, but it worked. It wasn't very much, but it was definitely a start. 
I'll just say this, I was sending out to the universe that I wanted/needed money. Soon enough I had $330 to my name, and the money opportunities continued. My old boss let me work for just 3 weeks during break for some extra cash. He could have easily said no (who wants someone for just 3 weeks?), but he didn't. I look around at everyone now and I see the negativity that they emit. And while I admit that there are times that I definitely am not very grateful for everything, and I can be negative, I am nowhere near where I used to be. 

So that gets me to the post of today: Be Grateful For Everything.

After we opened presents Christmas morning, I was disappointed. I didn’t get the 2 things I really wanted, and I thought I had just received the worst presents known to man. I went straight back to bed and slept until 11:30. When I woke up, I thought, “This isn’t you. You have been working so hard to be grateful for everything in your life, and you’ve been doing so good. Don’t let it all go with one Christmas.” I realized that it’s okay I didn’t get the snow boots or the straightener. I can buy myself both of those if I really need them. Mom bought me the unsaid things. The things I mentioned, but never asked for. I’m happier when I realize all of the things I have. I look around and see other people who are happy with their flip phones, people who are ecstatic that they only got 3 things for Christmas, and I look at myself and realize that I seem like such a spoiled brat. I don’t want people to look at me like that. It’s honestly time for a change. I’m done being selfish, I’m done being ungrateful. I’m going to love everything that comes into my life, and I’m going to start giving to others instead of giving to myself. Now I’m going to list the things I am the most grateful for, and why I’m grateful for them. 

My Family: Not everyone has the privilege of having a family like mine. I have the most loving parents who I know would do anything for me. I’m so blessed to have both of my parents under the same roof, and I have a brother who I know loves me, too. 

A roof over my head: Whether I’m in Idaho Falls, or Moscow, I know I will always have a roof over my head. I know there are many people out there that don’t have homes, and i know I am so blessed to live where I live.

The opportunity to go to college: I haven’t really thought about this one too much until now, but not everyone gets to go to college. I have the amazing opportunity to, and I need to take it more seriously. I am so grateful that I get to live in Moscow and attend the University of Idaho while living in Alpha Phi. It truly has changed my life for the better.

My iPhone: I know this is solely a materialistic one, but I am truly grateful for my phone. I look around sometimes at the people who don’t have smart phones and they seem so happy. I should seem even more happy with my phone because I can do so much with it. I absolutely love my iphone and I am so lucky that my parents pay for it. 

My guitar: When my parents bought me my guitar, it changed my life. I found something I loved doing, and I watched myself learn and grow into a better player/singer. I love playing for people even though it makes me nervous. If it weren’t for my parents going out and buying me a guitar the weekend after I told them I wanted to play, I would have never learned that amazing skill. 

This new year I just want to be grateful for everything. I want to live free and be happy. I have found that the more grateful and laid back I am, the happier I am. I feel like by being grateful for the things I have, the more I will receive. 

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